Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe FAQs

  • Submitted by GameSultan

Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe Hints

  • PS3 Submitted by unavailable

    I figured these out and decided to share them since none were available and this is my favorite cheat site, enjoy!
    Fatality 1: Down - Down - Down - O
    Fatality 2: Toward - Toward - Back - Down - X
    Fatality 1: Back - Back - Down - Back - O
    Fatality 2: Back - Toward - Down - Toward - Triangle
    Fatality 1: Down - Down - Back - Toward � Square
    Fatality 2: Down - Back - Toward - Toward - O
    Shang Tsung
    Fatality 1: Back - Down - Toward - X
    Fatality 2: Down - Down - Toward - Toward - Triangle
    Fatality 1: Back - Back - Toward - Square
    Fatality 2: Toward - Down - Down - Back - X
    The Joker
    Fatality 1: Toward - Back - Toward - Square
    Fatality 2: Back - Down - Back - Toward - Triangle
    Fatality 1: Down - Back - Down - Toward - Triangle
    Fatality 2: Toward - Back - Toward - Back - O
    The Flash
    Heroic Brutality 1: Back - Back - Toward - Toward - O
    Heroic Brutality 2: Down - Toward - Down - Back - Down - Toward - X
    Heroic Brutality 1: Down - Down - Toward - Toward - Square
    Heroic Brutality 2: Toward - Toward - Down - Back - O
    Heroic Brutality 1: Down - Back - Toward - Toward - O
    Heroic Brutality 2: Down - Down - Down - Up - X
    Fatality 1: Back - Toward - Toward - Back - Triangle
    Fatality 2: Toward - Toward - Back - Back - X
    Liu Kang
    Fatality 1: Toward - Back - Down - Down - X
    Fatality 2: Down - Down - Toward - Down - O
    Fatality 1: Down - Toward - Down - Up - Triangle
    Fatality 2: Back - Toward - Toward - Down - O
    Fatality 1: Back - Down - Back - Toward - Square
    Fatality 2: Down - Down - Toward - Back - O
    Fatality 1: Back - Toward - Down - Toward - Square
    Fatality 2: Toward - Toward - Down - Down - X
    Wonder Woman
    Heroic Brutality 1: Up - Back - Down - Toward - Square
    Heroic Brutality 2: Toward - Back - Back - Toward - X
    Fatality 1: Toward - Toward - Down - Toward - Triangle
    Fatality 2: Toward - Down - Back - Toward - X
    Lex Luthor
    Fatality 1: Down - Toward - Down - Back - Triangle
    Fatality 2: Up - Up - Up - Square
    Captain Marvel
    Heroic Brutality 1: Down - Toward - Back - Toward - Square
    Heroic Brutality 2: Down - Back - Down - Toward - Triangle
    Green Lantern
    Heroic Brutality 1: Toward - Back - Down - Back - X
    Heroic Brutality 2: Back - Toward - Down - Down - O

  • Xbox 360 Submitted by Mazato

    When it says finish him press forward, back, forward, X
    Then he will pull out a gun a shot it. Then it say BOOM like a joke which scares the opponent. Then like the way joker is pulls out a real gun and shots them in the head. HAHAHA!!!

  • PS3 Submitted by THEjoker856

    When choosing a character press start for alternate outfits.

  • Xbox 360 Submitted by S0NIC FLASH

    Special moves:
    Sharp Spark: Press Down, Back, X (hold X for delay)
    Scrape Kick: Press Forward(2), Y
    Chop Chop Blades: Press Back(2), A
    Blade Cyclone: Press Down, Forward, B
    Pro moves:
    Chop Chop Blades, Scrape Kick: Press Back(2), A, Forward(2), Y (perform Scrape Kick at the end of the Chop Chop Blades animation).
    Stab Slam (close): Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, X
    Chest Stab (close): Press Forward(2), Down(2), A
    Special moves
    Gun Runner: Press Back(2), X
    Power Fist: Press Down, Back, Y (press X or A after the punch for an extra hit)
    Blinding Light: Press Down, Back, X
    Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, A
    Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, B
    Gotcha Grab: Press Forward(2), Y (tap Y for extra hits)
    Ground Pound: Press Down(2), B
    Pro moves
    Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, B
    Power Fist, Gotcha Grab: Press Down, Back, Y, X, Forward(2), Y (as soon as X hits your opponent on the ground)
    Ground Pound, Gun Runner: Press Down(2), Back(3), X (immediately after the ground pound connects)
    Gotcha Grab: Press Forward(2), Y (tap Y for extra hits)
    Head Smash (close): Press Back, Forward(2), Back, Y
    Machine Gun (close): Press Forward(2), Back(2), A
    Special moves
    Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, B
    Kano Up Ball: Press Down, Forward, Y
    Brutal Throw: Press Down, Forward, X
    Knife Toss: Press Down, Back, X
    Parry: Press Down, Back, Y
    Eye Laser: Press Back(2), X
    Pro moves
    Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, B, RT (release RT when you hear the Pro Move sound effect; unlockable)
    Kano Up Ball: Press Hold Down/Forward at the peak of your jump and press B
    Brutal Throw: Press Down, Forward, X, Down, Back, Y (press Down/Back as soon as your opponent hits the ground)
    Knife Throw (close): Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, X
    Flip Stomp (one step away): Press Down(2), Forward, Back, B
    Special moves
    Bladed Fans: Press Forward(2), X (also can be done in air)
    Square Wave Punch: Press Down, Back, Y
    Rolling Fury: Press Down, Forward, B
    Mystical Teleportation: Press Down, Back, X (also can be done in air)
    Fan Lift: Press Back(2), X
    Razor's Tip: Press Down, Forward, Y
    Pro moves
    Square Wave Punch, Bladed Fan: Press Down, Back, Y, Forward, Forward, X (while still in air)
    Fan Throw to The Head (sweep): Press Back(2), Forward, X
    Kiss of Death (sweep): Press Forward, Down(2), Back, A
    Liu Kang
    Special moves
    High Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), X (also can be done in air)
    Low Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), A
    Flying Dragon Kick: Press Forward(2), Y
    Bicycle Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, B
    Dragon's Tail (Cartwheel): Press Down, Back, B and also one of the following:
    Spinning Backfist: Press (after Dragon's Tail) X
    Uppercut: Press (after Dragon's Tail) Y (sets up juggle)
    Zen Trip: Press (after Dragon's Tail) A
    Shaolin Spirit: Press (after Dragon's Tail) B
    Pro moves
    Bicycle Kick, Flying Dragon Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, B, Forward(2), Y (perform Flying Kick while Bicycle Kick is halfway finished)
    Bicycle Kick, High Dragon Fire: Press Back(2), Forward, B, Forward(2), X (perform High Fire near the end of Bicycle Kick)
    MK1 Arcade Drop (sweep): Press Forward, Back, Down(2), A
    Head Stomp (one step away): Press Down(2), Forward, Down, B
    Special moves
    Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Y (hold Y for larger blast)
    Lightning Bolt: Press Down, Back, X (Hold X for larger blast)
    Projectile Cancel: Press Down, Forward (cancels Vicinity Blast and Lighting Bolt)
    Energy Teleport: Press Down, Back, A
    Lightning Shock: Press Forward(2), Y
    The Superman: Press Forward(2), B (also can be done in air)
    Pro moves
    Double Teleport: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, A (perform second teleport immediately after the first)
    Lightning Shock, Teleport: Press Forward(2), Y, Down, Back, A (perform Teleport just before Raiden's hand hits the opponent during Lightning Shock)
    Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, B (press Down/Back, B at very end of the Vicinity Blast)
    Ground Slam (close): Press Down, Forward, Down, Up, Y
    Electrocution (close): Press Back, Forward(2), Down, B
    Special moves
    Spear: Press Back(2), X
    Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, A (also can be done in air)
    Inner Flames: Press Down(2), Y (hold Y for longer flame)
    Hell Fire: Press Down, Back, Y
    Hellish Slide: Press Down, Back, B
    Pro moves
    Double Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, A (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first)
    Air Teleport, Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, A (while in air), Down, Back, A (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first)
    Toasty! (sweep): Press Down(3), B
    Lava Pool (close): Press Forward(2), Back, Down, A
    Shang Tsung
    Special moves
    Skull Fire: Press Back(2), Y
    Sky Fire: Press Down, Back, Y
    Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, B
    Soul Steal: Press Down, Back, A
    Hot Escape: Press Down, Back, B
    Body Switch: Press Down, Back, Forward, X
    Pro moves
    Multi-Fire: Press Down, Back, Y, X, Forward, Y (up to three fireballs)
    Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, B, Up, B (press Up, B as soon as first hit of Slide Launch connects)
    Back Breaker (close): Press Back, Down, Forward, A
    Morph (close): Press Down(2), Forward(2), Y
    Shao Kahn
    Special moves
    Shoulder Charge: Press Forward(2), B
    Rising Emperor: Press Back, Forward, B
    Energy Shield: Press Down, Back, A
    Pulse Blast: Press Back(2), X
    Choke Punch: Press Forward(2), X
    Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Y
    Pro moves
    Shoulder Charge into Upwards Shoulder Charge: Unknown
    Choke Punch Extra Hit: Unknown
    Special moves
    Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, X (can be done twice)
    Deadly Kiss: Press Down, Back, X
    Leg Grab: Press Back, Forward, B
    Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, B (can also be done in air)
    Kartwheel Flip: Press Down, Forward, A
    Square Wave Punch: Press Down, Back, Y
    Pro moves
    Bicycle Kick, Air Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, B, Down, Back, B (perform the Pro Move just before last hit of the Bicycle Kick connects)
    Double Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, X, Down, Forward, X
    Leg Grab Pop Up: Unknown
    Kiss of Death (sweep): Press Down(2), Back, Forward, X
    Neck Breaker (one step away): Press Down, Back, Forward(2), B
    Special moves
    Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, X
    Ice Nugget: Press Down, Back, Y (unblockable)
    Icy Freeze: Press Down, Forward, A
    Tombstone Teleport: Press Down, Back, A
    Cold Slide: Press Back + A + B
    Pro moves
    Icy Slide, Tombstone Teleport: Press Back + A + B, Down, Back, A
    Tombstone Teleport, Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, X
    Freeze Kick (close): Press Back(2), Down, Back, B
    Freeze Slam (close): Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Y
    Special moves
    Smoke Capsule: Press Down, Back, Y
    Batarang: Press Down, Forward, X (can also be done in air)
    Leaping Shadow Kick: Press Down, Forward, B
    Leg Take Down: Press Down, Back, B
    Sneaky Batarang: Press Down, Back, X
    Dark Absorption: Press Back(2), Y (projectile absorption block)
    Smoke Escape: Press Down, Back, A
    Pro moves
    Double Batarang: Press Down, Forward, X, Down, Back, Y
    Heroic Brutalities
    Bat Swarm (close): Press Down, Back, Forward(2), B
    Grappling Hook (sweep): Press Down(3), Up, A
    Captain Marvel
    Special moves
    Solomon Escape: Press Down, Back, B
    Strength of Hercules: Press Back, Forward, Y
    Atlas Clap: Press Down, Back, Y
    Power of Zeus: Press Down, Back, X
    Achilles Bolt: Press Down, Back, A
    Mercury Bear Hug: Press Back, Forward, B
    Pro moves
    Power of Zeus Extended: Press Down, Back, X, Forward, Y
    Mercury Bear Hug Throw: Press Back, Forward, B, Y
    Heroic Brutalities
    Slam & Stomp: Press Down, Forward, Back, Forward, X
    Ground Slam: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y
    Special moves
    Whip Sting: Press Down, Back, X (can also be done in air)
    Lasso Grip: Press Back, Forward, Y
    Kitty Surprise: Press Back, Forward, A
    Raging Cat: Press Back, Forward, B
    Somersaulting Fever: Press Down, Forward, A
    Nine Lives: Press Down, Back, B (certain projectile/move dodge)
    Pro moves
    Whip Sting, Lasso Grip: Press Down, Back, X, then as soon as Whip Sting connects Back, Forward, Y
    Whip Sting, Kitty Surprise: Press Down, Back, X, then as soon as Whip Sting connects Back, Forward, A
    Pounce Grab into Whip Crack: Press Back, Forward, B, Back, Forward, X
    Heroic Brutalities
    Neck Breaker: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y
    Claw Attack: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, B
    Special moves
    Omega Beam: Press Back(2), X
    Anti-Air Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Y
    Omega Tremor: Press Down(2), B
    Omega Knee: Press Back, Forward, B
    Omega Force: Press Down, Back, A
    Pro moves
    Omega Force into Headbutt: Unknown
    Upward Eye Laser into Straight Eye Laser: Press Back(2), X, Back(2), Y
    Heroic Brutalities
    Special moves
    Close Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), A
    Far Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), B
    Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, X
    Lunging Stab: Press Back, Forward, Y
    Stomach Stab: Press Down, Forward, X
    Pro moves
    Double Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, X, Back, Forward, X (start after first Pistol Shot connects)
    Heroic Brutalities
    Gunshot (close): Press Forward(2), Down, Forward, Y
    Neck Breaker (close): Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, A
    The Flash
    Special moves
    Fast Escape: Press Down, Back, A
    Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Y
    Teleport Uppercut: Press Down, Back, B
    Around The World: Press Back, Forward, B
    Flurry Punch: Press Back, Forward, Y
    Teleport Flurry: Press Down, Back, X
    Pro moves
    Teleport Uppercut, Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, B, Down, Back, Y (just before the animation for the Teleport Uppercut fist appears)
    Like the Wind, Teleport Uppercut: Press Y(2), X, Down, Back, B (as soon as the last hit of the combo sequence hits)
    Like the Wind, Super Uppercut: Press Y(2), X, Down, Back, Y (as soon as the last hit of the combo sequence hits)
    Teleport Flurry Into Throw: Press Down, Back, X, LB (throw on last hit of Flurry)
    Heroic Brutalities
    Flashy Beatdown: Press Back(2), Forward(2), B
    Whirlwind Slam: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Down, Forward, A
    Green Lantern
    Special moves
    Summoned Hand Grip: Press Down, Back, X
    Justice Grip: Press Down, Forward, A
    Strength of Will: Press Down, Back, Y
    Judgment Hammer: Press Back(2), A
    Wall Barrier: Press Back, Forward, B
    Pro moves
    Triple Overhead Hammer: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, Y (as soon as previous ones connects)
    Heroic Brutalities
    Orb Squeeze: Press Forward, Back, Down, Back, A
    Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Down(2), B
    The Joker
    Special moves
    Joker's Wild: Press Down, Back, Y
    Bombs Away: Press Forward(2), B
    Bombs Away Close: Press Forward(2), Y
    Bombs Away Medium: Press Forward(2), A
    Put It There Pal: Press Down, Back, X
    Sinister Heels: Press Back, Forward, B
    Funnyman: Press Back, Down, Forward, A
    Magic Trick: Press Down, Back, B and also one of the following:
    Surprise Pistol Whip: Press (after Magic Trick) X
    Surprise Bomb: Press (after Magic Trick) Y
    Surprise Stomp: Press (after Magic Trick) A
    Surprise Slide: Press (after Magic Trick) B
    Pro moves
    Extra Sinister Heels: Unknown
    Surprise Pistol Whip, Joker's Wild: Press Down, Back, B, X, Down, Back, Y (as soon as the Surprise Pistol Whip connects, perform the Joker's Wild)
    Surprise Pistol Whip, Funnyman: Press Down, Back, B, X, Back, Down, Forward, A (as soon as Surprise Pistol Whip connects, perform the Funnyman)
    Heroic Brutalities
    Gunshot (close): Press Forward, Back, Forward, X
    Playing Cards (close): Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Y
    Lex Luthor
    Special moves
    Target Practice: Press Down, Back, X
    Powered Palms: Press Down, Forward, Y
    LexCorp Rocket: Press Down, Back, A (can also be done in air)
    Hot Flames: Press Back, Forward, A
    Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, B
    Rocket Boots: Press Back, Forward, B
    Pro moves
    Powered Palms, Rocket Boots: Press Down, Forward, Y, Back, Forward, B (perform Rocket Boots immediately after second hit of Powered Palms)
    LexCorp Rocket, Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, B (perform Evasive Maneuver immediately before LexCorp Rocket hits)
    Heroic Brutalities
    Body Twist (close): Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Y
    Missile Attack (one step away): Press Up(3), X
    Special moves
    Heat Vision: Press Back(2), X (can also be done in air; also can be repeated)
    Inhale Capture: Press Down, Back, Y
    Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Y
    Ice Breath: Press Down, Forward, A
    Ground Tremor: Press Down, Down, B
    Shoulder Charge: Press Forward, Forward, B
    Up, Up and Away (Hover): Press Down, Back, A and also one of the following:
    Hover Heat Vision Close: Press (after Up, Up and Back) X
    Hover Heat Vision Far: Press (after Up, Up and Back) Y
    Ground Tremor: Press (after Up, Up and Back) A or B
    Pro moves
    Inhale Capture, Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Forward, Y
    Ground Tremor: Press Down(2), B, (Down + X + Y)
    Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Y, Down, Back, A
    Inhale Capture, Up Up and Away: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, A
    Heroic Brutalities
    Ground Pound (close): Press Down(2), Forward(2), X
    Freeze Slam (close): Press Forward(2), Down, Back, B
    Wonder Woman
    Special moves
    Wondrous Spin: Press Down, Back, B (can also be done in air)
    Divine Princess: Press Down, Forward, Y
    Splits Grab: Press Down, Forward, A
    Gotcha Girl: Press Forward, Forward, B
    Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, A
    Lasso Grab: Press Back, Forward, X
    Pro moves
    Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, Y (press Down, Back, Y as soon as Wonder Woman reaches for opponent's leg)
    Handstand Burst, Spoilt Grab: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Forward, A
    Heroic Brutalities
    Lasso Slam: Press Up, Back, Down, Forward, X
    Lasso Spin: Press Forward, Back(2), Forward, B

  • PS3, Xbox 360 Submitted by buglit, S0NIC FLASH

    In the character select screen hold down RB to select these unlockable characters.

    Darkseid - Beat the DC side of story mode.
    Shao Kahn - Beat the MK side of story mode.
    Note: Shao Kahn and Darkseid don't have any Fatalities or Heroic Brutalities.

Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe Cheats

  • PS3 Submitted by subzero 30

    When the game says 'Finish Him'

    Back, Forward, Down, Back, Triangle

Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe Unlockables

  • Xbox 360 Submitted by Johnny Ramburger

    Arcade Master (20) - Beat Arcade Max without using a continue
    Bring It On! (5) - Complete Jax's Kombo Challenge
    Cat Burglar (5) - Complete Catwoman's Kombo Challenge
    Challenger! (10) - Play 10 Ranked Matches Online
    Clown Prince of Crime (5) - Complete the Joker's Kombo Challenge
    Combo Champion (20) - Perform a 10-hit combo in Arcade Mode
    DC Arcade Champion (50) - Complete Arcade Mode with all DC characters
    Deadly Alliance (20) - Complete Story Mode MK Chapter 5
    Emperor of Outworld (5) - Complete Shao Kahn's Expert Combos
    Evil Genius (5) - Complete Lex Luthor's Kombo Challenge
    Fastest Man Alive (5) - Complete the Flash's Kombo Challenge
    Fatality! (10) - Do anyone’s Fatality
    Free Fallin' (25) - Perform a Free-Fall Transition
    Get Over Here! (5) - Complete Scorpion's Kombo Challenge
    Grand Master (5) - Complete Sub-Zero's Kombo Challenge
    Green Lantern's Light! (5) - Complete Green Lantern's Kombo Challenge
    Heroic Brutality! (10) - Do anyone’s Heroic Brutality
    Humiliation! (20) - Get a Flawless Victory Online
    Infiltration (15) - Complete Story Mode MK Chapter 3
    Invasion (15) - Complete Story Mode DC Universe Chapter 3
    Less Talk, More Fight! (20) - Win a Chat Room Match Online
    Master of Souls (5) - Complete Shang Tsung's Kombo Challenge
    MK Arcade Champion (50) - Complete Arcade Mode with all MK characters
    Mortal Kombat Champion (25) - Finish Arcade Mode with an MK character
    Omega Effect (5) - Complete Darkseid's Expert Combos
    Online Champion (50) - Win 25 Ranked Matches in a row
    Outworld's Princess (5) - Complete Kitana's Kombo Challenge
    Princess Diana (5) - Complete Wonder Woman's Kombo Challenge
    Relentless! (50) - Play 100 Chat Lobby Matches Online
    Shaolin Monk (5) - Complete Liu Kang's Kombo Challenge
    SHAZAM! (5) - Complete Captain Marvel's Kombo Challenge
    Special Forces (5) - Complete Sonya's Kombo Challenge
    Special Move Master (100) - Perform All Special Moves
    Strange Forces (10) - Complete Story Mode DC Universe Chapter 1
    Super Hero (25) - Finish Arcade Mode with a DC character
    Supreme Champion (50) - Finish Kombo Challenge mode on MK and DC
    Tarkatan Champion (5) - Complete Baraka's Kombo Challenge
    The Assassin (5) - Complete Deathstroke's Kombo Challenge
    The Caped Crusader (5) - Complete Batman's Kombo Challenge
    The Competitor (20) - Play 200 Versus Matches
    The Finisher (100) - Perform all finishing moves in the game
    The Man of Steel (5) - Complete Superman's Kombo Challenge
    The Mercenary (5) - Complete Kano's Kombo Challenge
    The Pugilist (25) - Perform Klose Kombat
    The Thunder God (5) - Complete Raiden's Kombo Challenge
    The Ultimate Evil! (20) - Complete Both Mortal Kombat and DC Universe Stories
    Universe Reborn (50) - Complete the DC Universe side of Story Mode
    Unlikely Alliance (20) - Complete Story Mode DC Universe Chapter 5
    Worlds Collide (10) - Complete Story Mode MK Chapter 1
    Worlds Remade (50) - Complete the MK side of Story Mode

  • PS3 Submitted by Jobonator

    Arcade Master (Gold) - Beat Arcade Mode on max difficulty without continuing
    Bring It On! (Bronze) - Complete Jax’s Kombo Challenge
    Cat Burglar (Bronze) - Complete Catwoman’s Kombo Challenge
    Clown Prince of Crime (Bronze) - Complete Joker’s Kombo Challenge
    Combo Champion (Bronze) - Perform a 10 hit combo in arcade mode
    DC Arcade Champion (Silver) - Complete Arcade Mode with all DC Universe Characters
    Emperor of Outworld (Bronze) - Complete Shaokhan’s Kombo Challenge
    Evil Genius (Bronze) - Complete Lex Luthor’s Kombo Challenge
    Fastest Man Alive (Bronze) - Complete Flash’s Kombo Challenge
    Fatality! (Bronze) - Perform a Fatality!
    Free Fallin’ (Bronze) - Perform a Free-Fall Transition
    Get Over Here! (Bronze) - Complete Scorpion’s Kombo Challenge
    Grand Master (Bronze) - Complete Subzero’s Kombo Challenge
    Green Lantern’s Light! (Bronze) - Complete Green Lantern’s Kombo Challenge
    Heroic Brutality! (Bronze) - Perform a Heroic Brutality
    Humiliation! (Bronze) - Get a flawless victory online
    Less Talk, More Fight! (Bronze) - Win a Chat Room Match
    Master of Souls (Bronze) - Complete Shang Tsung’s Kombo Challenge
    MK Arcade Champion (Silver) - Complete Arcade Mode with all Mortal Kombat Characters
    Mortal Kombat Champion (Bronze) - Finish arcade mode with an MK character
    Omega Effect (Bronze) - Complete Darkseid’s Kombo Challenge
    Outworld ’s Princess (Bronze) - Complete Kitana’s Kombo Challenge
    Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - You Unlocked All Trophies!
    Princess Diana (Bronze) - Complete Wonder Woman’s Kombo Challenge
    Relentless! (Silver) - Play 100 chat lobby matches
    Shaolin Monk (Bronze) - Complete Liu Kang’s Kombo Challenge
    SHAZAM! (Bronze) - Complete Captain Marvel’s Kombo Challenge
    Special Forces (Bronze) - Complete Sonya’s Kombo Challenge
    Special Move Master (Gold) - Perform all Super Moves and Pro-Moves
    Super Hero (Bronze) - Finish arcade mode with a DC character
    Supreme Champion (Gold) - Complete all Kombo Challenges
    Tarkatan Champion (Bronze) - Complete Baraka’s Kombo Challenge
    The Assassin (Bronze) - Complete Deathstroke’s Kombo Challenge
    The Caped Crusader (Bronze) - Complete Batman’s Kombo Challenge
    The Competitor (Bronze) - Play 200 Versus matches
    The Finisher (Gold) - Perform all Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities
    The Man of Steel (Bronze) - Complete Superman’s Kombo Challenge
    The Mercenary (Bronze) - Complete Kano’s Kombo Challenge
    The Pugilist (Bronze) - Perform Klose Kombat
    The Thunder God (Bronze) - Complete Raiden’s Kombo Challenge
    The Ultimate Evil (Gold) - Complete Both Mortal Kombat and DC Universe Story Mode
    Universe Reborn (Bronze) - Complete DC Universe Story
    Worlds Remade (Bronze) - Complete Mortal Kombat Story

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe for PlayStation 3. Proxima nova font free download. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities List[edit]

Here is a complete list of Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities including relative position to your opponent. Baraka Fatalities 1. Stab Slam:




, SQUARE / Close 2. Chest Stab:




, X / Close Jax Fatalities 1. Air Machine Gun:




, X / Close 2. Head Smash:




, TRIANGLE / Close Kano Fatalities 1. Knife Throw:




, SQUARE / Close 2. Flip Stomp:





/ Close Kitana Fatalities 1. Fan Throw to The Head:



, SQUARE / Close 2. Kiss of Death:




, X / Close Liu Kang Fatalities 1. MK1 Arcade Drop:




, X / Sweep 2. Head Stomp:





/ Close Raiden Fatalities 1. Electrocution:





/ Close 2. Flying Slam:




+ (Wait until he lands and hit) TRIANGLE / Close Scorpion Fatalities 1. Toasty!:




/ Sweep 2. Lava Pool:




, X / Sweep Shang Tsung Fatalities 1. Back Breaker:



, X / Close 2. Morph:




, TRIANGLE / Close Sonya Blade Fatalities 1. Kiss of Death:




, SQUARE / Sweep 2. Neck Breaker:





/ Close Sub-Zero Fatalities 1. Freeze Slam:




, TRIANGLE / Close 2. Freeze Kick:





/ Close Shao Kahn Fatalities None Batman Heroic Brutalities 1. Grappling Hook:




, (Land and hit) X / Sweep 2. Bat Swarm:





/ Sweep Captain Marvel Heroic Brutalities 1. Ground Slam:

, Telugu hit audio songs.



, TRIANGLE / Close 2. Slam & Stomp:




, SQUARE / Close Catwoman Fatalities 1. Claw Attack:





/ Close 2. Neck Breaker:




, TRIANGLE / Sweep Deathstroke the Terminator Fatalities 1. Gunshot:




, TRIANGLE / Close 2. Neck Breaker:




, X / Close The Flash Heroic Brutalities 1. Flashy Beatdown:





/ Close 2. Whirlwind Slam:






, X / Close Green Lantern Heroic Brutalities 1. Hammer Smash:





/ Sweep 2. Orb Squeeze:




, X / Sweep The Joker Fatalities 1. Playing Cards:




, TRIANGLE / Close 2. Gunshot:



, SQUARE / Close Lex Luthor Fatalities 1. Body Twist:




, TRIANGLE / Close 2. Missile Attack:



, SQUARE / Sweep Superman Heroic Brutalities 1. Ground Pound:




, SQUARE / Close 2. Freeze Slam:





/ Close Wonder Woman Heroic Brutalities 1. Lasso Spin:





/ Close 2. Lasso Slam:




This feature has now been built directly into AutoCAD. To create a PDF you would have had to send your Plot file to this Virtual Plotter, which would create a PDF instead of a paper plot. Plot files to pdf.

, (Land and then hit) SQUARE / Sweep Darkseid Fatalities None

Random Character Select[edit]

There's no need to put on a blindfold and spin around three times if you want to select a random fighter, just hold up on the D-pad and press Start.

Shao Kahn[edit]

To unlock Shao Kahn, complete the Mortal Kombat story arc.


To unlock Darkseid, complete the DC story arc.
