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By Collins Mwai

* Women make up 50 per cent of the new cabinet, 13 out of 26.

* Some new young blood has been named to top government positions

* Fewer cabinet members:15 per cent reduction. 26 compared to 31 previously (Missing include: Minister of Lands and Forestry, State Minister for Education in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, State Minister for Local Government in charge of Socio-Economic Development, State Minister in charge of Energy and Water, State Minister for Agriculture)

* New appointments in key agencies:Rwanda Revenue Authority, Rwanda Social Security Board, Immigration and Emigration, and Rwanda National Police.

* Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee affairs renamed Emergency Management

President Paul Kagame yesterday reshuffled his cabinet, making broad changes in a trimmed cabinet, in which women comprise 50 per cent.

The members of cabinet have also reduced from 31 down to 26.

The changes were announced yesterday by the Prime Minister.

Dr Richard Sezibera replaces Louise Mushikiwabo as the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Relations.

Mushikiwabo was last week elected as the Secretary General of Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

Sezibera has been a senator.

He has previously occupied various senior positions, including Secretary General of the East African Community, Minister for Health, Ambassador to the US and the presidential envoy to the Great Lakes Region.

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Prof. Anastase Shyaka, who has been the CEO of Rwanda Governance Board (RGB), was appointed as the new Minister for Local Government, replacing Francis Kaboneka.

Youthful Paula Ingabire, who has been the head of ICT at Rwanda Development Board, was appointed Minister for ICT and Innovation, taking over from Jean de Dieu Rurangirwa.

Ingabire has also been heading the Kigali Innovation City initiative.

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The other new entrant is Soraya Hakuziyaremye, who will serve as the Minister for Trade and Industry, replacing Vincent Munyeshyaka.

The reshuffle also saw the Managing Director of Zigama Credit and Savings Bank, Maj. Gen Albert Murasira, appointed as the Minister for Defence, taking over from Gen. James Kabarebe, who moved to the Office of the President as Senior Defence and Security Advisor.

There were also changes at the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion where Solina Nyirahabimana is now the new minister.

The ministry was previously headed by Espérance Nyirasafari, who will now serve as the Minister for Sports and Culture.

Germaine Kamayirese becomes the new Minister for Emergency Management, replacing Jeanne d'Arc De Bonheur.

A number of positions, however, remained unchanged.

Dr Vincent Biruta remains Minister for Environment, Rosemary Mbabazi continues as Minister for Youth while Fanfan Kayirangwa Rwanyindo continues to head the public service and labour docket.

Johnston Busingye also remains in the Justice Ministry, Claver Gatete will continue to serve as Minister for Infrastructure and Eugene Mutimura maintains the Education docket.

Marie Solange Kayisire continues to serve as Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, while Uzziel Ndagijimana maintains the Finance Ministry.

Judith Uwizeye will continue to serve as Minister in the Office of the President and Dr Diane Gashumba as Health Minister, with Dr Gérardine Mukeshimana keeping the agriculture docket.

Among Ministers of State, Olivier Nduhungirehe is the State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but this time in charge of the East African Community, Dr Alvera Mukabaramba in charge of Social Affairs, Claudine Uwera in charge of Economic Planning, Isaac Munyakazi as state Minister in Primary and Secondary Education and Evode Uwizeyimana as State Minister for Constitutional and Legal Affairs.

Patrick Ndimubanzi and Jean de Dieu Uwihanganye retain positions in primary healthcare and transport, respectively.

Other major appointments include the appointment of DCG Dan Munyuza as the Inspector General of Police with former IGP Emmanuel Gasana becoming the Governor of Southern Province.

Munyuza will be deputised by CP Felix Namuhoranye in Operations and DCG Juvénal Marizamunda in Administration and Personnel.

James Musoni was appointed as Ambassador to Zimbabwe while Nelly Mukazayire has been appointed as the Chief Executive of the Rwanda Convention Bureau.

Régis Gatarayiha becomes the Director General of Emigration and Immigration, while Anaclet Kalibata will serve as the Director General of External Security at NISS.

Richard Tusabe, who previously headed the Rwanda Revenue Authority, was moved to Rwanda Social Security Board as Director General. Christian Rwakunda, former Ministry of Infrastructure PS, was appointed as Deputy Director General in charge of Fund Management at the pension body.

RRA will be led by Pascal Bizimana Ruganintwali, who will be deputised by Agnes Kanyangeyo.

Other changes include appointment of Claudette Irere as the Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of ICT and Innovation, while Jean Claude Musabyimana was appointed as PS of the Ministry of Agriculture.

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