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Childish Gambino

The best album by Childish Gambino is 'Awaken, My Love!' which is ranked number 994 in the overall greatest album chart with a total rank score of 2,485.

Childish Gambino is ranked number 471 in the overall artist rankings with a total rank score of 4,965.

Members who like this artist also like:Beach House, Tame Impala and Kendrick Lamar.

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CHILDISH GAMBINO Because The Internet CD – New
Condition: New
Time left:
13h 6m 8s
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CHILDISH GAMBINO 'Awaken, My Love!' CD – New
Condition: New
Time left:
13h 7m 59s
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Childish Gambino: Because the Internet =CD=
Condition: New
Time left:
15h 22m 16s
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The Poetry Club, SWG3, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

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Childish Gambino best albums

The following albums by Childish Gambino are ranked highest in the greatest album charts:

Sort byOverall Rank Number of Charts Average Rating Number of Ratings Release Date Title

Childish Gambino best tracks

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'Awaken, My Love!'Childish Gambino
Year of Release:2016Appears in:195 charts
Rank in 2016:12Rank Score:2,485
Rank in 2010s105Overall Rank:994
Average Rating: 79/100 (349 votes)
Comments: 26 comments
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Because The InternetChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2013Appears in:109 charts
Rank in 2013:22Rank Score:1,723
Rank in 2010s154Overall Rank:1,368
Average Rating: 70/100 (233 votes)
Comments: 13 comments
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CampChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2011Appears in:49 charts
Rank in 2011:81Rank Score:593
Rank in 2010s438Overall Rank:3,224
Average Rating: 68/100 (106 votes)
Comments: 8 comments
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EPChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2011Appears in:6 charts
Rank in 2011:309Rank Score:102
Rank in 2010s2,380Overall Rank:12,890
Average Rating: 71/100 (18 votes)
Comments: 0 comments
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KAUAIChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2014Appears in:11 charts
Rank in 2014:800Rank Score:24
Rank in 2010s6,663Overall Rank:29,465
Average Rating: 68/100 (48 votes)
Comments: 1 comment
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RoyaltyChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2012Appears in:5 charts
Rank in 2012:1,137Rank Score:14
Rank in 2010s9,263Overall Rank:37,494
Average Rating: 71/100 (23 votes)
Comments: 1 comment
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CuldesacChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2010Appears in:7 charts
Rank in 2010:1,287Rank Score:11
Rank in 2010s10,749Overall Rank:42,110
Average Rating: 69/100 (17 votes)
Comments: 0 comments
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STN MTNChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2014Appears in:6 charts
Rank in 2014:1,564Rank Score:7
Rank in 2010s12,952Overall Rank:48,986
Average Rating: 62/100 (24 votes)
Comments: 0 comments
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I Am Just A RapperChildish Gambino
Year of Release:2010Appears in:2 charts
Rank in 2010:1,811Rank Score:4
Rank in 2010s17,018Overall Rank:61,005
Average Rating: 73/100 (3 votes)
Comments: 0 comments
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I Am Just A Rapper 2Childish Gambino
Year of Release:2010Appears in:1 chart
Rank in 2010:2,274Rank Score:2
Rank in 2010s22,504Overall Rank:77,253
Average Rating: Not enough data
Comments: 0 comments
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Overall band rank:
(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
91/100 (189 votes)
Comments: 2 comments

2.Me And Your Mama
(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
90/100 (145 votes)
Comments: 2 comments

3.IV. Sweatpants
(from the album Because The Internet)
87/100 (55 votes)
Comments: 2 comments

4.V. 3005
(from the album Because The Internet)
86/100 (73 votes)
Comments: 2 comments

(from the album KAUAI)
86/100 (23 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

6.Stand Tall
(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
84/100 (91 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

7.Baby Boy
(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
84/100 (86 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

8.III. Life: The Biggest Troll
(from the album Because The Internet)
83/100 (37 votes)
Comments: 1 comment

9.III. Telegraph Ave.
(from the album Because The Internet)
83/100 (42 votes)
Comments: 1 comment

10.I. Flight of The Navigator
(from the album Because The Internet)
83/100 (36 votes)
Comments: 1 comment

(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
83/100 (94 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

12.I. The Worst Guys
(from the album Because The Internet)
82/100 (40 votes)
Comments: 2 comments

(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
82/100 (85 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

(from the album Camp)
82/100 (29 votes)
Comments: 1 comment

(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
82/100 (96 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

16.The Night Me And Your Mama Met
(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
82/100 (84 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

17.Have Some Love
(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
81/100 (95 votes)
Comments: 1 comment

18.II. Shadows
(from the album Because The Internet)
81/100 (36 votes)
Comments: 1 comment

19.Freaks and Geeks
(from the album EP)
81/100 (7 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

(from the album 'Awaken, My Love!')
80/100 (85 votes)
Comments: 0 comments

Related links:top tracks of all time.

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Childish Gambino ratings

Showing latest 5 ratings for this artist. Show all 23 ratings for this artist.

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04/05/2019 09:04
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11/14/2018 16:59

Related links:top artists of all time.

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Childish Gambino favourites

Showing all 3 members who have added this artist as a favourite

mjp11 HoldenM

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From HoldenM
Maybe it's because I love Donald Glover so much, or because I love how he goes about rap, but I think he's got a lot of promise here. Camp is incredible, and his mixtapes aren't too bad. I like what he has to offer, and I really can't wait for more.
Helpful? (Log in to vote)+4 votes (4 helpful 0 unhelpful)
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